Citrus Park 50+ Softball
Citrus Park 50+ Softball
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Breakfast at the Rec February 15
Poker Run February 16
Elections February 17-19
CanAm Games February 22
Poker Run (rain date) February 23
End of Men's Regular
Season February 26
Mardi Gras Weekend Feb 28 - Mar 1
Click here to see the 2025 Schedule of
Events (subject to change)
Just a reminder that BT Quiet Time is till 8 a.m.
We have had resident complaints about balls being batted earlier than 8 a.m. on the softball fields.
Please be aware of others concerns and stay off ALL fields until 8 a.m.
Thank you, Spike
When - Saturday February 15th 8am-10:00am
What - Scholarship Breakfast
Eggs and chorizo burritos
Cheese, potatoes, grilled onions and peppers
Only $10
Bottomless Mimosas and bloody Mary’s only $5
Free coffee
Proceeds will help fund scholarships to Bonita Springs High School seniors.
The Tiki Hut at the ball field will not be open this coming Saturday. All volunteers scheduled will not be needed. Thanks for your support of CP Softball 🥎.
Thank you for supporting our veterans!
Great day at the Field of Dreams honoring our Armed Forces Veterans and supporting the
Disabled American Veterans (DAV).
$150 was raised for the DAV by a 50/50 raffle with three $50 payouts. Payout for ticket
number 766502 is unclaimed. To claim your prize contact Charley Hansen by call or text at
540-846-4919, or email roadhousecharley@gmail.com. If the ticket isn't claimed by next
Sunday, February 16, 2025, it will be considered abandoned and $50 donated to the DAV.
An additional $1,063 was collected in cash donations to the DAV helmet.
Quite a bit of shirts, hats and other DAV merchandise was also purchased directly from the
DAV booth.
Thank you to everyone who came out and made this event such a success.
Charley Hansen
Board elections are coming February 17th - February 19th
Vice President of the Tiki Hut, an Executive Board position, is open for election this year. Nomination forms and a description of the position have been posted at the kiosk at the Tiki Hut. If you are interested in running for this position, complete a nomination and return it to Sue Rabbage.
Nominations for elections (and appointments) to men's board positions are open too. Please see the "Men's Section Rules and Regulations" document here for a list and definitions of duties for these positions. If you're interested in any of these positions, contact any men's board member.
Information regarding women's board positions will be coming through team managers.
Click here to see a message regarding the League's newest fundraiser, "Share the Wealth"
Click here to see before and after pictures of diamond 2's infield at the end of summer/beginning of fall
Good Neighbor Games (GNG) 2025
We are looking for CP 50+ softball league members to sponsor a US location this coming Aug/Sept 2025.
Please contact Spike at 508-209-3546 or rayshideler@gmail.com.
The softball league can collection committee would greatly appreciate it if residents place ONLY aluminum beverage cans into the clearly marked receptacles. Garbage, non-aluminum recycling and cans in plastic bags in these containers makes the collection and recycling process very difficult. Thank you.
To see photos of the current 2025 season, 2023 and 2024 seasons, and the 2024 Good Neighbor Games (GNG), click on this link: Photos by Lynette Gram The League thanks Craig Smalley for our photographer during Lynette's absence in 2024.
To see photos of the 2022 season, click on this link: Ken Horton Photography Special thanks to Ken for his many years of documenting C.P. 50+ Softball
To view a list of our recently deceased league members click the 'Memory Walk' link above. Also, help us stay informed about our deceased league members and their spouses. Click on the 'Memory Walk' page for more information.
My Vxw Site 4flrt2 2/11/25